Конференция WAPOR (Саламанка, 2020) «Опросы общественного мнения и социальные исследования в эпоху перемен»
Conference topics include, but are not restricted to:
Public opinion and survey research
Survey research application
Public opinion and policy making
Panel, longitudinal and national monitoring surveys in policy making
New technologies and national surveys: challenges in the changing times
New sources of information on public opinion and the use of social media
Political behavior, participation and culture in survey research
Methodological challenges and improvements in the areas of sampling, measurement, survey design and survey response or non-response
Challenges of comparative research and International Survey Projects
Cross-cultural concerns in data collection and measurement issues
News, media, journalism and public opinion
Qualitative research in changing times
Big data, sentiment analysis and machine learning
Digitalization of societies and usage of new sources of information in survey research
Data visualization, new technologies and online surveys
Best practices for stakeholder research and expert surveys
First session of the Conference Cross-cultural surveys: 6 of October, 3:00 PM -4:00 PM Moscow time
Anna Andreenkova. Assessing the quality of translations in comparative cross-national surveys
Inga Gaizauskaite. Who are “most people”? Respondents’ interpretations of social generalized trust question
Elena Michailova. Cross-country studies as a factor in ensuring the successful implementation of migration policy.
Natalia Soboleva. Parental background as a factor of gender-role attitudes across Europe
Claire Durand and others. What do Democracy Indices Really Measure?
Session Political behavior and social surveys: 6 of October 3:00 PM -4:00 PM Moscow time
Christopher Adams. Non-Probability Sampling: Current Online Methods and Techniques in the Pre-1950s.
Toba Ajiboye. How Externalities can cause significant variations between polls and actual results for elections.
Anna Almakaeva, Aigul Mavletova. Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Emancipative Values in Russia.
Nader Said-Foqahaa. Analysis of the underestimation of religious political parties in the Arab World (A case study of the electability of the Islamic Resistance ovement – Hamas among Palestinians)
Tamas Bodor. The Invisible ‘Deplorables’: Evidence of Hidden Trump Supporters in 2016 Pre-election Polls.
Elias Chavarria-Mora. Who Protests? Ideological dimensions and protest in Latin America.
Session Methodological Challenges in survey research: 7 of October 3:00 PM -4:00 PM Moscow time
Yulia Baskakova. How can we ensure quality in face-to-face surveys?
Rene Bautista et all. Rostering household members for sample selection in the General Social Survey.
Carsten Broich et all. Is it worth it? Screened mobile sample for IVR surveys in developing countries - The cases of Sri Lanka and Ecuador.
Alexandra Castillo et all. An evaluation of variability in accuracy, coverage and efficiency of “pulsing” sample for European CATI surveys from 2019 to 2020.
Piotr Cichocki et all. Obstacles to applying sample quality metrics to large-scale cross-national survey projects.
Session Cross-Cultural Surveys: 7 of October 4:30 PM -5:30 PM Moscow time
Malina Voicu at all. Advantages and challenges of conducting IVR electoral surveys: current international practices and their correlation with present Russian realities.
Vladimir Zvonovsky, Maria Grigoreva. Cost and Production Efficiency in Different Modes: A Comparison of Cellphone, Landline, and Web-Based Survey in Taiwan.
Tom W Smith. Using survey data to measure humanitarian proximity of post-Soviet countries.