Грант РНФ 23-18-00635
In contemporary world only those societies where people can reach their desired goals and realized their potential can be considered as well-of and advanced society. New academic project supported by Russian Scientific Fund (RSF) aims to study “life course” of people living in the context of radical social transformations, factors which enhance and hinder the self-realization of people.
In contemporary world only those societies where people can reach their desired goals and realized their potential can be considered as well-of and advanced society. New academic project supported by Russian Scientific Fund (RSF) aims to study “life course” of people living in the context of radical social transformations, factors which enhance and hinder the self-realization of people.
RUSSET after 30 years
Unique opportunity to obtain data on long-term time interval.
The project RUSSET (Russian socio-economic panel) is longitudinal study carried out annually from 1993 till 1999. The data about living conditions, style of life, life goals and expectations, satisfaction with life and life domains, social and political attitudes and behavior were collected from 3700 respondents selected by probability random sample of Russian population 18 years old and over in 1993.
Thirty years after the first wave of the survey we approached the same people to interview them about their life events, life choices, track stability and change in living conditions, attitudes and evaluations. Longitudinal part of the survey is based on the interviews with respondents constituting young generational in 1990s (born 1960-1974). Longitudinal data on such long time interval are very few in Russia, it is great value for social scientists and analyst.
Study individual and general in life course of one generation
Track the impact of historical events and contextual changes on people’s life
Study interaction of educational and professional trajectories and family history
Study the role of parental capital, starting life conditions on self-realization, promotion and adaptation to radical socio-economic changes
Find out how attitudes, life views and values internalized in early socialization change or persist during the life course.
Supplementary data collection
Along with longitudinal survey, the project includes some additional data collection:
Survey “Life course of different Russian generations” (generations of 1959 and older and 1975 and younger) using the questionnaire of longitudinal project “RUSSET after 30 years” for cross-sectional sample, 2025.
Autobiographies and follow-up IDIs with respondents from generation of 1960-1974, 2023-2024.
The survey GEOLIFE “Survey of geographical mobility during the life course”, national survey of Russian population of 1974 and older, 2023-2024.
Monitoring of long-term changes in attitudes and values of Russians, National telephone survey of population 18 years old and over, 2023.
In-depth interviews “Subjective periodization of life course», respondents from generation of 1960-1974, 2023.
In-depth cognitive interviews “Life time in the perception of Russian generations», three generations of Russians, 2024.
Inter-institutional scientific team (CESSI, Institute of sociology of Russian academy of sciences, Highest School of Economics, MGIMO) – interaction of different research schools and traditions
Advanced social knowledge, methodological expertise, high quality empirical data
Studying substantive issues and advancing sociological methods
Cooperation of academic researchers and educational professionals.
New approach – life course is treated as multi-facet dynamic process uniting personal life trajectories and general social trends.
Fundamental character: develop major concepts to study life course, methodological approach to define life trajectories, life stages and lifespan transformations in value system.
Innovations: develop methods to study life-events matrix, life values and social attitudes, live achievements and mobility.
Evidence-based: application of different research methods to solve project task – longitudinal survey, trend monitoring surveys, autobiographical method, in-depth and cognitive interviews.
Life course as theoretic-methodological approach to study social change
Andreenkova A. V. Life course studies – conceptual and methodological approaches and solution. Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. 2024;12(1):6–24. (In Russ.). DOI 10.19181/snsp.2024.12.1.1. file:///C:/Users/andreenkova/Downloads/document-12.pdf (in Russian)
Bibliography on studying life course and individual dynamic on long time intervals in English and Russian. <Библиография_рус >> Библиография_анг >>
Survey program Подробнее >>
Honorary speach A.V. Andreenkova. Methodological challenges and opportunities of studying the life course on Annual Seminar of Laboratory of comparative social research of HSE, 16 of November, 2023. Program on https://lcsr.hse.ru/confsem/intersem/seminar2023nov/
Life events structure of different generations
Basic life events structure in early adulthood is similar for all generations of Russians but the variations in age of events and their sequences increases with each new generation.
Main changes in age and sequence of events take place in marriage-family domain and parenthood and less in educational and professional domain.
The largest gaps was found between generations of 1940-1950, generation of 1960s-early 1970-s and generation of middle 1970s and 1980s. In the youngest generational the speed of changes increased leading to more radical transformations in life-event matrix of the life course.
Andreenkova A. V., Medvedeva A. A. Dynamics of the event structure of the life course in Russia. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2024. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 189–209. DOI: 10.19181/vis.2024.15.3.11; EDN: KQHANM. TEXT IN RUSSIAN:
Subjective periodization of life course
Subjective periodization of life differs from theoretical concepts.
People tend to distinguish more life periods, look at it as more discrete, than offered by theoretical classifications. Although childhood, youth, middle age and elderly years are fourth major stages, but children and young years as well as older stage are often differentiated by 3-4 sub-stages. The borders between major life stages tend to be less clear and well-defined, transition time between middle-age to elder age occupies the separate category although it does not have commonly accepted title.
Age markers of life stages are not standardized and differ substantially between individuals and gender and socio-economic groups. Age markets for women are more well-defined and clear, younger stages are chronologically shorter than for men. People tend to explain gender differences by social factors as social duties and functions rather than physiological factors.
Event markers for transition to next life stage in first part of life in subjective perception are related to reproductive events more than with education, separation from parental family or partner-marriage relations highlighted in theoretical concepts.
Marker of transferring from youth to middle-age or end of youth is often related to divorce. This event seems to have broader impact than just marriage-family domain including social, psychological and even existential aspects.
Older age transition is related to the exit from the labor market or change in labor relations, less focusing on professional aspects on life and changes in family structure which is close to theoretically predicted markers.
Methodological testing of autobiography method to study life course
Quality of autobiography was defined by several parameters – completeness, logical sequence, richness of the content.
The amount of information estimated by the number of words in the autobiography differs dramatically between respondents around the mean of 670 words. The most complete and rich in information was audio-recorded autobiographies (oral), the least – hand-written. Oral autobiographies were the most resource consuming in data processing, printed versions were the most economic.
The choice of method in preparation of autobiography was important factor stimulating the cooperation of respondents, especially women, people of older age, respondents with lower education.
Logical sequence and richness of the content depend on the style of autobiography selected by respondent. In format style the chronological logic is high but some domains can be omitted, the inclusion of emotions, relations, context is very low. Autobiographies using artistic style often have problems in logic and chronological sequence, sometimes they do not include chronological marks at all, but the richness of the content and inclusion of variety of elements is high. Autobiographies written in analytical style is characterized as high by both logic and richness, but this style is not often selected by respondents.
Autobiography as independent method of data collection for life course analysis has limited effectiveness: differences in completeness and the quality of information between respondents are great, the comparability of data is low. Supplemented by in-depth interviews or follow-up questions to reconstruct the missing parts of information the effectiveness is increased substantially.
Life choices – types, motivations, consequences
All important life events mentioned by respondents in the autobiographies were classified into the situation of life choices and others. Three thirds of important life events are the situation of life choice. The largest part of life choice situation is concentrated in young years and early adulthood.
Life choice situations differ by the scope of choice (number of options), type of restrictions (material, infrastructural, social normative, personal values, former choices, and choices of other people), actor of choice (independence) and motivation. 40% of situation was broad choice, 30% - substantially limited and 20% - with very limited choice.
Life choices for different social groups are not equal. Women, people with lower social economic status are more often face the situations of partly-limited or very limited choice than men or people with higher socio-economic status.
Four type of life choices based on motivations were selected – active-constructive choice (one third of all), normative choice (half of all), forced-choice and conformity choice.
Active-constructive choice has positive consequences from self-realization perspective more often than all other choices. It follows by normative choice. In most cases forced-choice and conformity choice had negative life consequences.
Life choices of people from generation born in 1960-1974 transferring to adulthood in time of radical social transformation in 1990-s, were seriously limited by institutional and other societal factors as well as value-normative factors.
Major characteristics of life choice are multi-agency, limited rationality, dependence from previous choice and choices of other agents, long-term consequences.
Andreenkova A.V. (2024) Life Choices on Different Stages of the Life Course—Authobiographies of One Generation. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 3. P. 88–113. https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2024.3.2538. TEXT IN RUSSIAN:
Andreenkova A.V. Life choice of last Soviet generation – motives, opportunities, historical context // Russian society today: values, institutions, processes: materials of Russian scientific conference XVII Kovalevskie Tshenia (16-18 of November 2023 года), eds. By N.G. Skvortsov, Y.V. Asochakov. St.-Petersburg state university: Scientia, 2023. P. 201-204. ISBN 978-5-6050494-6-3 https://soc.spbu.ru/images/nauka/kovalevskie/%D0%A1%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA_2023.pdf
Substantial changes in social attitudes of Russian for the last 30 years were revealed in the area of inter-ethnic attitudes. The changes took place both between generations and also within generation of 1960-1975 and had common direction although different scope – weakening of negative inter-ethnic attitudes as inner problem and transferring of attention to foreign threats.
Factor related to inter-ethnic attitudes also changed between 1990s and 2023. In 1990-s inter-ethnic attitudes were mostly related to interpersonal trust, in 2023 – with personal behavior and social experience (contacts with other ethnic groups, inter-ethnic families).
General structure of inter-ethnic attitudes in opposite remain stable: high in-group favoritism, stability of three-component structure of ethnocentrism. But the level of consolidation of opinions changed substantially.
Voronina N.S. Dynamics of Inter-Ethnic Attitudes of Russians: Research Results 1995–2023. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 1. P. 51-62 TEXT IN RUSSIAN: https://www.socis.isras.ru/files/File/2024/1/Voronina.pdf
Voronina N.S. Ethnocentrism in Russia: dynamic, specific traits and impact factors // Vestnik of Institute of sociology RAN. N1. 2025 (forthcoming).
Voronina N.S. Stability and change of inter-ethnic attitudes of Russians: results of longitudinal survey of 1995-2023. Conference Social changes and stability in the field of sociology: from empirical studies to theoretical reflection. Moscow, Institute of Sociology FNIST RAN, 10-11 of October, 2023. https://smu-conf.fnisc.info/program
Voronina N.S. Dynamic of interethnic attitudes of Russians; results of surveys of 1995-2023 and the impact of socio-demographic factors. Demographic workshop in Central academic house 26.12.2023.
The questionnaire contains stable core questions asked in the same form for all rounds of the survey (trend questions). Life domains included in the survey: family life, housing conditions, employment, household finances, social contacts, health. For each life domain the survey included: (1) parameters describing objective present situation in first round and description of changes in each domain in further rounds 2) satisfaction with the present situation, (3) intention to take action to change the situation.
Along with studying substantial issues, the project included many methodological experiments on the perception of answer scales with different characteristics – type of scale, number of scale points, balanced and non-balanced, verbal, graphical and digital, different context, order of answers, middle category, different ways of treatment missing information.
Several rounds of MTMM (multi-trait-multi-method design) experiments were conducted to study reliability and validity of different questions and scales, in particular questions on satisfaction with life and its domains, ethnocentrism, political anomie – the unique information collected in Russia for the first time. In Round 1 and 2 these methodological experiments included multi-trait multi-method panel experiments, in which groups of questions were repeated within the same round (test-retest). In Rounds 3 and 4 the sample was randomly divided into three subgroups, each subgroup was given a different subset of questions at the end of the questionnaire that were also asked at the beginning of the questionnaire (to all groups). In Rounds 5, 6, and 7 multi-trait multi-method and split ballot experiments were also executed. In these rounds two random samples, named A and B, were used as subgroups for the experiments.
Andreenkova A.V., Voronina N.S. Long-term Geographic Mobility of Different Generations of Russians. Mir Rossii. N1. 2025 (forthcoming).
Andreenkova A.V., Voronina N.S. Longer-term geographic mobility in the life course of different Russian generations: directions, motivation, potential. Scientific conference “Sociology: yesterday, today, tomorrow (50th anniversary of the journal Soziologicheskie issledovania). 21-24 of October, 2024, section 1. Issues of studying social structure of modern Russian society. https://www.isras.ru/institute_news.html?id=13880&ret=2533
Voronina N.S. Long-term geographical mobility of different generational of Russians. Annual seminar of the sector of social mobility of the Institute of sociology FNIST RAN “Institutes of social mobility in the context of digitalization”. 21 of November, 2023. https://www.isras.ru/files/File/conferencii/2023/Seminar_instituty_soc_mobilnosti_v_usloviyakh_tsifrofisatsii_programma_21_11_2023.pdf
Changes of social age norms and models of demographic behavior lags behind the changes in real life experiences. The gap increased substantially in 1990s when generation entering the adulthood in this time was influenced by rapid socio-economic changes and societal changes due to second demographic transition.
Age of major life events were considered as not personal free choice but driven by external factors for this generation. The misconnection between social age norms and personal decisions and behavior lead to high disappointments and dissatisfaction. Next generation continued the same trend in behavior, but did not feel the disconnection with social norms.
General trend on weakening age norms: low consolidation of opinions about age limits for major life stages, but higher regarding individual life events. Sanction pressure of age norms is indirect and conditional but still significant.
Andreenkova A.V. Normative age perceptions of major life stages / Monitoring of public opinion. N2. 2025 (forthcoming).
New concept of political life course
High level of instability of ideological positions during the life course: increase of conservative views with age
Relative high stability of some social attitudes including distributive justice, political and judicial equality.
Two levels of political behavior: general diffuse (general interest to politics, personal political effectiveness, e3lectrocal participation) and issue-context dependant (party preferences, non-electoral participation). First level is characterized by relatively long-term stability, the second – by high instability.
Ivanova S.V., Andreenkova A.V., Semenova M.S. Stability and changes in political life course of generation // Sociology in changing world: theory, practice, education. Materials of All-Russian scientific conference XVIII Kovalevskie tchenia 14-16 of November 2024. Eds. By N.G. Skvortsov, Y.V. Asochakov. St.-Petersburg: Skifia-print, 2024. P.197-200.
Andreenkova A.V., Ivanova S.V., Semenova M.S. Political life course – coincept, methods, problems // Russia in polycentric world: challenges and new paradigsm of development. Materials of Х All-Russian congress of political sciences PAPN. Moscow, 2024. P. 41-42. https://pureportal.spbu.ru/files/128202708/_X_1_.pdf
Andreenkova A. V. Life course studies – conceptual and methodological approaches and solution. Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. 2024;12(1):6–24. (In Russ.). DOI 10.19181/snsp.2024.12.1.1.
Андреенкова А. В. Исследования жизненного пути – концептуальные и методологические подходы и решения // Социологическая наука и социальная практика. 2024. Т. 12, № 1. С. 6–24. DOI 10.19181/snsp.2024.12.1.1. EDN ADRPHA.
TEXT IN RUSSIAN: file:///C:/Users/andreenkova/Downloads/document-12.pdf
Voronina N.S. Dynamics of Inter-Ethnic Attitudes of Russians: Research Results 1995–2023. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 1. P. 51-62
Воронина Н. С. Динамика межэтнических установок россиян (по результатам исследований 1995–2023 гг.) // Социологические исследования. 2024. № 1. С. 51-62. DOI
TEXT IN RUSSIAN: https://www.socis.isras.ru/files/File/2024/1/Voronina.pdf
Andreenkova A. V., Medvedeva A. A. Dynamics of the event structure of the life course in Russia. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2024. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 189–209. DOI: 10.19181/vis.2024.15.3.11; EDN: KQHANM.
Андреенкова А. В., Медведева А. B110А. Динамика событийной структуры жизненного пути в России // Вестник Института социологии. 2024. Том 15. № 3. C. 189–209. DOI: 10.19181/vis.2024.15.3.11; EDN: KQHANM.
ТЕКСТ СТАТЬИ: https://www.vestnik-isras.ru/article/995?at=a&pid=
Andreenkova A.V. (2024) Life Choices on Different Stages of the Life Course—Authobiographies of One Generation. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 3. P. 88–113. https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2024.3.2538. (In Russ.)
Андреенкова А.В. Жизненные выборы на разных этапах жизненного пути—автобиографии одного поколения //Мониторинг общественного мнения: экономические и социальные перемены. 2024. № 3. С. 88—113. https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2024.3.2538.
ТЕКСТ СТАТЬИ: https://www.monitoringjournal.ru/index.php/monitoring/article/view/2538/1885
Noskova A.V., Kuzmina E.I. 2024. Changes in the resource potential of older generations of Russians (based on materials from longitudinal studies) — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. Vol. 12. No. 2. P. 78-101. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19181/snsp.2024.12.2.4 (in Russ.).
Носкова А.В., Кузьмина Е.И. Изменения в ресурсном потенциале россиян старших поколений (по материалам лонгитюдных исследований) // Социологическая наука и социальная практика. 2024. Т. 12, № 2. С. 78–101. DOI 10.19181/snsp.2024.12.2.4. EDN QSOCQE.
TEXT IN RUSSIAN: https://www.socnp.ru/index.php/snsp/article/view/9376
Андреенкова А.В., Воронина Н.С. Долгосрочная географическая мобильность в жизненном пути разных поколений россиян: уровень, направление, мотивация, потенциал Мир России, N1, 2025.
Андреенкова А.В. Нормативность представлений о возрастных границах основных жизненных этапов/ Мониторинг общественного мнения (N2, 2025).
Воронина Н.С. Этноцентризм в России: динамика, специфика и факторы влияния // Вестник Института социологии РАН. N1, 2025.
Published thesis
Andreenkova A.V. Life choice of last Soviet generation – motives, opportunities, historical context // Russian society today: values, institutions, processes: materials of Russian scientific conference XVII Kovalevskie Tshenia (16-18 of November 2023 года), eds. By N.G. Skvortsov, Y.V. Asochakov. St.-Petersburg state university: Scientia, 2023. P. 201-204. ISBN 978-5-6050494-6-3 https://soc.spbu.ru/images/nauka/kovalevskie/%D0%A1%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA_2023.pdf
Noskova A.V. Priorities of family-demographic policies in the context of new stage of ageing of population in Russia / XVIII International scientific conference Sorokinskie Tchenia. 19 of October 2024. Classical university: modern trends and vectors of development: XVIII International scientific conference «Sorokinskie Tchenia-2024, 19 of February, 2024: collection of thesis. Moscow: MAKS press, 2024.
Noskova A.V. Family and work: from stable trends to new forms of balance // International scientific-practical conference “Family and work”. 19-20 of September 2024. Collection of thesis, ed. by Z.H. Saralieva. Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhegorodskiy universitet of Lobachevskiy. 2024.
Ivanova S.V., Andreenkova A.V., Semenova M.S. Stability and changes in political life course of generation // Sociology in changing world: theory, practice, education. Materials of All-Russian scientific conference XVIII Kovalevskie tchenia 14-16 of November 2024. Eds. By N.G. Skvortsov, Y.V. Asochakov. St.-Petersburg: Skifia-print, 2024. P.197-200. https://soc.spbu.ru/images/nauka/kovalevskie/Koval_Chtenia_2024_v3.pdf
Andreenkova A.V., Ivanova S.V., Semenova M.S. Political life course – coincept, methods, problems // Russia in polycentric world: challenges and new paradigsm of development. Materials of Х All-Russian congress of political sciences PAPN. Moscow, 2024. P. 41-42. https://pureportal.spbu.ru/files/128202708/_X_1_.pdf
Presentation of A. Andreenkova «Methodological challenges and opportunities of studying the political life course». WAPOR Annual conference, September, 2023, Salzburg, Format-offline. Секция SR1.008/ 1.009, 22 сентября. Программа конференции https://wapor.org/wp-content/uploads/WAPOR-2023-Program-Final.pdf
Presentation of A.V. Andreenkova Comparative Longitudinal Surveys of Older Generation As the Method to Study Ageing – Methodological Challenges in Case of Russia" at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, June 25-July 1, 2023. P.31. на https://www.isa-sociology.org/uploads/imgen/1579-isa-wcs2023-book-of-abstracts.pdf, стр. 31.
Presentation of A.V. Andreenkova. Methodological challenges and opportunities of studying the life course. Honorary speach // Annual Seminar of Laboratory of comparative social research of HSE, 16 of November, 2023. Program on https://lcsr.hse.ru/confsem/intersem/seminar2023nov/
Voronina N.S. Stability and change of inter-ethnic attitudes of Russians: results of longitudinal survey of 1995-2023. Conference Social changes and stability in the field of sociology: from empirical studies to theoretical reflection. Moscow, Institute of Sociology FNIST RAN, 10-11 of October, 2023. https://smu-conf.fnisc.info/program
Voronina N.S. Long-term geographical mobility of different generational of Russians. Annual seminar of the sector of social mobility of the Institute of sociology FNIST RAN “Institutes of social mobility in the context of digitalization”. 21 of November, 2023. https://www.isras.ru/files/File/conferencii/2023/Seminar_instituty_soc_mobilnosti_v_usloviyakh_tsifrofisatsii_programma_21_11_2023.pdf
Voronina N.S. Dynamic of interethnic attitudes of Russians; results of surveys of 1995-2023 and the impact of socio-demographic factors. Demographic workshop in Central academic house 26.12.2023.
Андреенкова А.В. Особенности среднесрочных и длительных лонгитюдных опросов / Заседание Научного совета ВЦИОМ (секция «Методическая дискуссия») «Перспективы лонгитюдного исследования: старые проблемы и новые вызовы», 24 февраля 2024 г. https://wciom.ru/expertise/zasedanie-nauchnogo-soveta-vciom-sekcija-metodicheskaja-diskussija-perspektivy-longitjudnogo-issledovanija-starye-problemy-i-novye-vyzovy
Andreenkova A.V. Cross-cultural differences in studying the life course using autobiographies XIII Workshop LCRL Recent Advances in Comparative Study of Values, Moscow, 23-26 of April, 2024 (как часть Апрельской конференции ВШЭ). https://lcsr.hse.ru/en/confsem/intersem/seminar2024
Andreenkova A.V., Voronina N.S. Longer-term geographic mobility in the life course of different Russian generations: directions, motivation, potential. Scientific conference “Sociology: yesterday, today, tomorrow (50th anniversary of the journal Soziologicheskie issledovania). 21-24 of October, 2024, section 1. Issues of studying social structure of modern Russian society.
Voronina N.S. Ethnocentrism in Russia: dynamic, specific traits and impact factors // Scientific conference “Sociology: yesterday, today, tomorrow (50th anniversary of the journal Soziologicheskie issledovania). 21-24 of October, 2024, section 7 Ethnosociology: future in today.
Andreenkova A.V. New approach to study social change – life course studies // XXVI Kharchev workshop Theoretical sociology: past, present, future, 25 of October 2024. https://www.fnisc.ru/files/File/charchev_2024(2).pdf
Ivanova S.V., Andreenkova A.V., Semenova M.S. Stability and change in political life course of generationas. National scientific conference XVIII Kovalev readings Sociology in changing world: theory, practice, education, St.-Petersburg, 14-16 of November, 2024. https://events.spbu.ru/eventsContent/1311%20%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BC%D0%B0%20%D0%9A%D0%A7%202024.pdf Section 2.
Andreenkova A.V., Ivanova S.V., Semenova M.S. Political life course – concept, methods, issues. X Russian Congress of political scientists. Moscow, December 5-7, 2024, section ОТ-8.1. Program https://www.rapn.ru/News/2.
Longitudinal survey “RUSSET after 30 years”
Part 1. Panel sample. Respondents participated in the survey “RUSSET-1990s”, who were born between 1960 and 1974, and also respondents from the older generation of 1950-1959 for the generational comparisons.
Formalized questionnaire included 8 specially prepared modules about different domains and aspects of the life course of the generation including the module «Family-marriage history» and «Educational intergenerational mobility and individual trajectory». The average length of the interview was 55 min. The second part of the questions are the same as in the questionnaire of the 1990s to conduct direct time comparisons, some questions were designed to reconstruct the events between 1990s and current time, to get the evaluations and opinions about the life course and the current life stage. Besides the Main respondent the interview was also conducted with informants about Passed respondents and Moved respondents.
Respondents were offered the choice of one of the three data collection methods – personal interview (CAPI), telephone interview (CATI) or online self-completed questionnaire (CASWQ). Contacts with each respondent were done by step-by-step procedure – telephone contact, mail invitation for some cities, personal visits of 1202 addresses, the search of contacts in open sources (social media, databases). The contact stage lasted for 4 months in summer-fall 2024 resulted in 85 completed interviews with main respondents of 1990s, 58 interviews with informants about respondents who passed away and 63 interviews with informants about moved respondents (move and not found). The contacts will be continued in 2025.
Part 2. Cross-sectional sample.
The sample of new respondents from the generation of 1960-1974 to increase the base of the analysis and to conduct comparative analysis of synchronic and retrospective data. The sample was designed by two methods: multistage random selection in PSUs included in the RUSSET-1990s and random selection of respondents from the national panel database. The survey was conducted by mixed-mode method – personal interviews in respondent’s homes and telephone interviews (CAPI and CATI). In total 371 interviews were conducted in 2024. The questionnaire included questions of “RUSSET after 30 years” and additional retrospective questions about the 1990s.
Survey “Life course of different Russian generations”
The survey of the older generation (born 1959 years old and before) and younger generation (born 1975 and later) than the target generation. The survey is planned for 2025.
The sample is designed by multistage random selection of households/ respondents in the PSUs included in RUSSET-1990s and random selection of respondents from national panel database. . The survey will be conducted by mixed-mode method – personal interviews in respondent’s homes and telephone interviews (CAPI and CATI). The questionnaire included questions of “RUSSET after 30 years cross-sectional part”.
Independent samples of three generations will be combined in a single database.
The survey GEOLIFE.
«The survey of geographical mobility in life course” was conducted among respondents born in 1973 or earlier by personal face-to-face interviews in respondent’s homes in fall 2023-spring 2024 on the basis of National probability random sample. In total 2000 respondents were interviewed in the main sample and 326 boost interviews were conducted with mobile respondents. Additional boost sample was designed to increase the number of mobile respondents in the sample.
The method to study mobility includes 5 parameters about each transition: direction of mobility (starting location and end location), time of mobility (year or respondent’s age), purpose of mobility, decision-making (respondent, join decision with other people or forced decision), difficulties in adaptation (easy or difficult to adapt in new place) and the evaluation of consequences – impact on life course (positive, negative, neutral). The information was collected about the first and the last transition (due to the length of an interview).
In-depth interviews “Subjective periodization of life course»
In-depth interviews with respondents born in 1960-1974 of different genders, regions of Russia and socio-economic status. In total 100 in-depth interviews were conducted by telephone (TII) of 30-35 min each. Respondents were randomly selected from the national panel database.
The main issues covered in these interviews: subjective periodization of life course, markets of major life events, testing the retrospective evaluations of change in different life domains including political views and values, socio-psychological characteristics.
In-depth cognitive interviews “Life time in the perception of Russian generations»
In-depth interviews with respondents from three generations: older generation (born 1949 and earlier), middle ((1960-1980) and young (1980-2005). The composition of respondents included half male and half female respondents, half – people with higher education and half with lower education, a mixture of respondents form different regions and urbanity. . In total 100 in-depth interviews were conducted by telephone (TII) of 40 min each. Respondents were randomly selected from the national panel database.
The main issues covered in these interviews: age social norms regarding major life stages and life events, reasons and sources of age norms, sanctions for violation of age norms.
Monitoring of long-term changes in attitudes and values of Russians
The purpose of the survey is to study the dynamic (stability or change) of attitudes and opinions of Russians on the example of one topic – interethnic relations. Telephone survey of population 18 years old and over by probability random sample of mobile and stationary phones in Russia. In total 1000 respondents were interviewed in summer-fall 2023. The questionnaire included questions about attitudes of Russians toward national minorities, inter-ethnic relations and ethnocentrism which were used in RUSSET-1990s.