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The idea of the survey came from the joint research work of V.G. Andreenkov and W. Saris in International MTMM group and their discussion of methods to study social change. 

Most social changes in developed countries of Europe North America happen gradually and slowly compared to life of researchers. Significant shift in social environment, behavior or public attitudes can be traced only after many years or decades of measurement. Radical macro-level changes in political system, economic relations and social structure experienced by Russia in 1990-s created to be unique conditions for researchers to study the impact of changes in objective living conditions and subjective evaluations in relatively short time span, observe the life of people in “high speed mode” as in a movie. Russia serves as a social science laboratory where many experimental research methods and techniques could be applied and checked. In this lucky times for social scientists teams of researchers from Netherlands (Willem Saris, Annette Scherpenzeel, Bernard van Praag, Peter Vriyters, William van der Velt) and Russia (V.G. Andreenkov, A.V. Andreenkova, A.E. Bronnikova, A.V. Fedotov, I.A. Chuslyaeva) took joint efforts to organize the RUSSET. This project was also joined by leading scholars from other European countries interested in this area of research (Jack Billiet, Belgium, Peter Schmidt, Germany, Dagmar Krebs, Germany, Germa Goenders, Spain). 

The project was supported by the Dutch Organization for scientific research (NWO) for conducting seven rounds of this panel study. 


The idea of the survey came from the joint research work of V.G. Andreenkov and W. Saris in International MTMM group and their discussion of methods to study social change. 

Most social changes in developed countries of Europe North America happen gradually and slowly compared to life of researchers. Significant shift in social environment, behavior or public attitudes can be traced only after many years or decades of measurement. Radical macro-level changes in political system, economic relations and social structure experienced by Russia in 1990-s created to be unique conditions for researchers to study the impact of changes in objective living conditions and subjective evaluations in relatively short time span, observe the life of people in “high speed mode” as in a movie. Russia serves as a social science laboratory where many experimental research methods and techniques could be applied and checked. In this lucky times for social scientists teams of researchers from Netherlands (Willem Saris, Annette Scherpenzeel, Bernard van Praag, Peter Vriyters, William van der Velt) and Russia (V.G. Andreenkov, A.V. Andreenkova, A.E. Bronnikova, A.V. Fedotov, I.A. Chuslyaeva) took joint efforts to organize the RUSSET. This project was also joined by leading scholars from other European countries interested in this area of research (Jack Billiet, Belgium, Peter Schmidt, Germany, Dagmar Krebs, Germany, Germa Goenders, Spain). 

The project was supported by the Dutch Organization for scientific research (NWO) for conducting seven rounds of this panel study. 


The idea of the survey came from the joint research work of V.G. Andreenkov and W. Saris in International MTMM group and their discussion of methods to study social change. 

Most social changes in developed countries of Europe North America happen gradually and slowly compared to life of researchers. Significant shift in social environment, behavior or public attitudes can be traced only after many years or decades of measurement. Radical macro-level changes in political system, economic relations and social structure experienced by Russia in 1990-s created to be unique conditions for researchers to study the impact of changes in objective living conditions and subjective evaluations in relatively short time span, observe the life of people in “high speed mode” as in a movie. Russia serves as a social science laboratory where many experimental research methods and techniques could be applied and checked. In this lucky times for social scientists teams of researchers from Netherlands (Willem Saris, Annette Scherpenzeel, Bernard van Praag, Peter Vriyters, William van der Velt) and Russia (V.G. Andreenkov, A.V. Andreenkova, A.E. Bronnikova, A.V. Fedotov, I.A. Chuslyaeva) took joint efforts to organize the RUSSET. This project was also joined by leading scholars from other European countries interested in this area of research (Jack Billiet, Belgium, Peter Schmidt, Germany, Dagmar Krebs, Germany, Germa Goenders, Spain). 

The project was supported by the Dutch Organization for scientific research (NWO) for conducting seven rounds of this panel study. 


The main idea of the project was to study the impact of socio-economic changes on the change in subjective evaluations of life as a whole (satisfaction with life) and different life domains. 

The survey also intended to check several hypothesis about the relations of the satisfaction with life and objective living condition and hypothesis about the reasons of change in life satisfaction. 

Along with measuring current status (objective living conditions in particular domain) and subjective evaluation (level of satisfaction with a domain) retrospective information on the same parameters was collected for 1988, 5 years prior to the first round of the survey, before major socio-economic reforms). It helped to understand the relationship between objective and subjective indicators and the likelihood of change in stable socio-economic conditions and in time of major social transformations. 

Theoretical model used to study social change in RUSSET:


RUSSET is a panel survey where the same people were interviewed after particular time interval again. First round of the survey was conducted in 1993 and then interviewers come back to the same people every year seven times till 1999. The sampling design and the fieldwork have been done by the Institute for Comparative Social Research (CESSI, project manager was the senior researcher Dr. Anna Andreenkova).

RUSSET includes two panels. Initial panel was based on the sample of respondents drawn in 1993 and finished in 1999. Because of sample attrition after several rounds substantial part of respondents were lost because of different reasons – migration, deaths, change of health status, refusals. To recover the sample to initial sample size and also to compare parameters between “old” and “new panel” new samples were drawn in 1997 (round 5) on the same sample principles and module as initial sample. Two latest round of the survey (round 6 and round 7) were conducted with both old and new panel. 

Each survey round was administered by face-to-face interviews in respondent’s homes. About 200-300 interviewers participated in each round, about 34-45% changed between modules and the rest was the same across rounds. 


The sample design for baseline of the survey was done on multistage probability area sample model. Population parameters were estimated according to government statistical information – Goskomstat prediction data for January 1 1992 based on National Census 1989 and sample parameters closely resemble the state statistical data on key socio-demographic and geographic indicators: urbanization, ethnicity, age, gender, education and some others. 

The universe covered the entire population aged 18 and over living permanently in Russian territory. Military bases, penal communities, and other institutionalized population were excluded from the sample. No other exclusions have been done.

Sample stages:

  • Stratification of the country into 4 regions combining all socioeconomic zones as used by National Statistical agency. The selection within each region was conducted independently, the number of selected units was proportionate to the population of each region. 

  • Stage 1. The primary sampling units (PSU) - rayons (counties) or cities with rayon status were listed in each of 4 strata (region) from largest to smallest by population size. In each strata PSUs were selected proportionate to population size. Total number of PSUs was 52 units including 8 self-representing units in 2 cities with population size larger than average size of PSU (selection probability=1). 

  • Stage 2. Selection of SSUs (settlements – cities, towns, villages) within each PSU with probability proportional to population size. In total 125 units were selected. 

  • Stage 3. Selection of electoral districts within each settlement with equal probability. 

  • Stage 4. Selection of households. Pre-selection enumeration of households in selected TSUs in larger cities, centralized selection of households (addresses) using random computer procedures. In smaller places and rural areas the selection of households were done during the field by random route method. Each household in the sample was visited at least 3 times to increase the cooperation rate. Visits were planned for different days of the week and for different times of the day. 

  • Stage 5. Random selection of respondent within a household using Kish random tables method. 


The sample included all respondents from Round 1 regardless of the results from previous round. The level of cooperation in Round 1 was 76%. In Round 2 the sample decreased by 25%, then to 14% in round 3 and to 2% in round 4. After seven years in the last round of the survey 43% of initial respondents stayed in the sample. 

To compensate this sample attrition, new panel was constructed in 1997. As regional and socio-demographic profile of respondents were similar regardless of the attrition (taking into account the natural move of age groups), new sample was drawn as independent national sample using the same design as initial one. 

Table 1. Survey parameters by rounds


Статья А.В. Андреенкова «Теоретические и методические подходы к исследованию жизненного пути» в журнале «Социологическая наука и социальная практика» (N1 2024 г.).

Библиография по изучению жизненного пути и индивидуальной динамики на длительных отрезках времени на английском языке, и русскоязычные источники. <Библиография_рус >>  Библиография_анг >>

Программа исследования Подробнее >>

Почетный доклад A.V. Andreenkova. Methodological challenges and opportunities of studying the life course Основной доклад на Ежегодном семинаре Лаборатории сравнительных исследований ВШЭ, LCSR workshop, 16 ноября, 2023, формат – личное участие. Программа размещена на


The questionnaire contains stable core questions asked in the same form for all rounds of the survey (trend questions). Life domains included in the survey: family life, housing conditions, employment, household finances, social contacts, health. For each life domain the survey included: (1) parameters describing objective present situation in first round and description of changes in each domain in further rounds 2) satisfaction with the present situation, (3) intention to take action to change the situation. 

Along with studying substantial issues, the project included many methodological experiments on the perception of answer scales with different characteristics – type of scale, number of scale points, balanced and non-balanced, verbal, graphical and digital, different context, order of answers, middle category, different ways of treatment missing information. 

Several rounds of MTMM (multi-trait-multi-method design) experiments were conducted to study reliability and validity of different questions and scales, in particular questions on satisfaction with life and its domains, ethnocentrism, political anomie – the unique information collected in Russia for the first time. In Round 1 and 2 these methodological experiments included multi-trait multi-method panel experiments, in which groups of questions were repeated within the same round (test-retest). In Rounds 3 and 4 the sample was randomly divided into three subgroups, each subgroup was given a different subset of questions at the end of the questionnaire that were also asked at the beginning of the questionnaire (to all groups). In Rounds 5, 6, and 7 multi-trait multi-method and split ballot experiments were also executed. In these rounds two random samples, named A and B, were used as subgroups for the experiments.

Бюллетень результатов проекта РУССЕТ  Подробнее >>


The questionnaire contains stable core questions asked in the same form for all rounds of the survey (trend questions). Life domains included in the survey: family life, housing conditions, employment, household finances, social contacts, health. For each life domain the survey included: (1) parameters describing objective present situation in first round and description of changes in each domain in further rounds 2) satisfaction with the present situation, (3) intention to take action to change the situation. 

Along with studying substantial issues, the project included many methodological experiments on the perception of answer scales with different characteristics – type of scale, number of scale points, balanced and non-balanced, verbal, graphical and digital, different context, order of answers, middle category, different ways of treatment missing information. 

Several rounds of MTMM (multi-trait-multi-method design) experiments were conducted to study reliability and validity of different questions and scales, in particular questions on satisfaction with life and its domains, ethnocentrism, political anomie – the unique information collected in Russia for the first time. In Round 1 and 2 these methodological experiments included multi-trait multi-method panel experiments, in which groups of questions were repeated within the same round (test-retest). In Rounds 3 and 4 the sample was randomly divided into three subgroups, each subgroup was given a different subset of questions at the end of the questionnaire that were also asked at the beginning of the questionnaire (to all groups). In Rounds 5, 6, and 7 multi-trait multi-method and split ballot experiments were also executed. In these rounds two random samples, named A and B, were used as subgroups for the experiments.


The questionnaire contains stable core questions asked in the same form for all rounds of the survey (trend questions). Life domains included in the survey: family life, housing conditions, employment, household finances, social contacts, health. For each life domain the survey included: (1) parameters describing objective present situation in first round and description of changes in each domain in further rounds 2) satisfaction with the present situation, (3) intention to take action to change the situation. 

Along with studying substantial issues, the project included many methodological experiments on the perception of answer scales with different characteristics – type of scale, number of scale points, balanced and non-balanced, verbal, graphical and digital, different context, order of answers, middle category, different ways of treatment missing information. 

Several rounds of MTMM (multi-trait-multi-method design) experiments were conducted to study reliability and validity of different questions and scales, in particular questions on satisfaction with life and its domains, ethnocentrism, political anomie – the unique information collected in Russia for the first time. In Round 1 and 2 these methodological experiments included multi-trait multi-method panel experiments, in which groups of questions were repeated within the same round (test-retest). In Rounds 3 and 4 the sample was randomly divided into three subgroups, each subgroup was given a different subset of questions at the end of the questionnaire that were also asked at the beginning of the questionnaire (to all groups). In Rounds 5, 6, and 7 multi-trait multi-method and split ballot experiments were also executed. In these rounds two random samples, named A and B, were used as subgroups for the experiments.


The questionnaire contains stable core questions asked in the same form for all rounds of the survey (trend questions). Life domains included in the survey: family life, housing conditions, employment, household finances, social contacts, health. For each life domain the survey included: (1) parameters describing objective present situation in first round and description of changes in each domain in further rounds 2) satisfaction with the present situation, (3) intention to take action to change the situation. 

Along with studying substantial issues, the project included many methodological experiments on the perception of answer scales with different characteristics – type of scale, number of scale points, balanced and non-balanced, verbal, graphical and digital, different context, order of answers, middle category, different ways of treatment missing information. 

Several rounds of MTMM (multi-trait-multi-method design) experiments were conducted to study reliability and validity of different questions and scales, in particular questions on satisfaction with life and its domains, ethnocentrism, political anomie – the unique information collected in Russia for the first time. In Round 1 and 2 these methodological experiments included multi-trait multi-method panel experiments, in which groups of questions were repeated within the same round (test-retest). In Rounds 3 and 4 the sample was randomly divided into three subgroups, each subgroup was given a different subset of questions at the end of the questionnaire that were also asked at the beginning of the questionnaire (to all groups). In Rounds 5, 6, and 7 multi-trait multi-method and split ballot experiments were also executed. In these rounds two random samples, named A and B, were used as subgroups for the experiments.


The questionnaire contains stable core questions asked in the same form for all rounds of the survey (trend questions). Life domains included in the survey: family life, housing conditions, employment, household finances, social contacts, health. For each life domain the survey included: (1) parameters describing objective present situation in first round and description of changes in each domain in further rounds 2) satisfaction with the present situation, (3) intention to take action to change the situation. 

Along with studying substantial issues, the project included many methodological experiments on the perception of answer scales with different characteristics – type of scale, number of scale points, balanced and non-balanced, verbal, graphical and digital, different context, order of answers, middle category, different ways of treatment missing information. 

Several rounds of MTMM (multi-trait-multi-method design) experiments were conducted to study reliability and validity of different questions and scales, in particular questions on satisfaction with life and its domains, ethnocentrism, political anomie – the unique information collected in Russia for the first time. In Round 1 and 2 these methodological experiments included multi-trait multi-method panel experiments, in which groups of questions were repeated within the same round (test-retest). In Rounds 3 and 4 the sample was randomly divided into three subgroups, each subgroup was given a different subset of questions at the end of the questionnaire that were also asked at the beginning of the questionnaire (to all groups). In Rounds 5, 6, and 7 multi-trait multi-method and split ballot experiments were also executed. In these rounds two random samples, named A and B, were used as subgroups for the experiments.


The questionnaire contains stable core questions asked in the same form for all rounds of the survey (trend questions). Life domains included in the survey: family life, housing conditions, employment, household finances, social contacts, health. For each life domain the survey included: (1) parameters describing objective present situation in first round and description of changes in each domain in further rounds 2) satisfaction with the present situation, (3) intention to take action to change the situation. 

Along with studying substantial issues, the project included many methodological experiments on the perception of answer scales with different characteristics – type of scale, number of scale points, balanced and non-balanced, verbal, graphical and digital, different context, order of answers, middle category, different ways of treatment missing information. 

Several rounds of MTMM (multi-trait-multi-method design) experiments were conducted to study reliability and validity of different questions and scales, in particular questions on satisfaction with life and its domains, ethnocentrism, political anomie – the unique information collected in Russia for the first time. In Round 1 and 2 these methodological experiments included multi-trait multi-method panel experiments, in which groups of questions were repeated within the same round (test-retest). In Rounds 3 and 4 the sample was randomly divided into three subgroups, each subgroup was given a different subset of questions at the end of the questionnaire that were also asked at the beginning of the questionnaire (to all groups). In Rounds 5, 6, and 7 multi-trait multi-method and split ballot experiments were also executed. In these rounds two random samples, named A and B, were used as subgroups for the experiments.


The questionnaire contains stable core questions asked in the same form for all rounds of the survey (trend questions). Life domains included in the survey: family life, housing conditions, employment, household finances, social contacts, health. For each life domain the survey included: (1) parameters describing objective present situation in first round and description of changes in each domain in further rounds 2) satisfaction with the present situation, (3) intention to take action to change the situation. 

Along with studying substantial issues, the project included many methodological experiments on the perception of answer scales with different characteristics – type of scale, number of scale points, balanced and non-balanced, verbal, graphical and digital, different context, order of answers, middle category, different ways of treatment missing information. 

Several rounds of MTMM (multi-trait-multi-method design) experiments were conducted to study reliability and validity of different questions and scales, in particular questions on satisfaction with life and its domains, ethnocentrism, political anomie – the unique information collected in Russia for the first time. In Round 1 and 2 these methodological experiments included multi-trait multi-method panel experiments, in which groups of questions were repeated within the same round (test-retest). In Rounds 3 and 4 the sample was randomly divided into three subgroups, each subgroup was given a different subset of questions at the end of the questionnaire that were also asked at the beginning of the questionnaire (to all groups). In Rounds 5, 6, and 7 multi-trait multi-method and split ballot experiments were also executed. In these rounds two random samples, named A and B, were used as subgroups for the experiments.


Воронина Н.С. Динамика межэтнических установок россиян (по результатам исследований 1995–2023 гг.) // Социологические исследования, N1 2024 г. (принята к печати)

А.В. Андреенкова «Теоретические и методические подходы к исследованию жизненного пути» в журнале «Социологическая наука и социальная практика» (N1 2024 г.).

Андреенкова А.В., Медведева А.А. Структурирование жизненного пути разных поколений в России» //Вестник Института социологии, N3 2024 г. (принята к печати)

А.В. Андреенкова Жизненный выбор последнего советского поколения – мотивы, возможности, исторический контекст // Российское общество сегодня: ценности, институты, процессы [Электронный ресурс]: материалы Всероссийской научной конференции XVII Ковалевские чтения (16-18 ноября 2023 года) / Отв. редакторы: Н.Г. Скворцов, Ю.В. Асочаков; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет. — Электронные данные. — Санкт-Петербург: Сциентиа, 2023. стр. 201-204. ISBN 978-5-6050494-6-3 



Доклад A. Andreenkova «Methodological challenges and opportunities of studying the political life course». WAPOR Annual conference, September, 2023, Salzburg, Format-offline. Секция SR1.008/ 1.009, 22 сентября. Программа конференции

Доклад Andreenkova А.V. Comparative Longitudinal Surveys of Older Generation As the Method to Study Ageing – Methodological Challenges in Case of Russia" at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, June 25-July 1, 2023. Format-online. Тезисы размещены на, стр. 31.

А.В. Андреенкова Жизненный выбор последнего советского поколения – мотивы, возможности, исторический контекст. Ковалевские чтения, ноябрь 2023 г., Санкт-Петербург. Тезисы в сборнике материалов конференции., стр. 201-204.

Почетный доклад A.V. Andreenkova. Methodological challenges and opportunities of studying the life course Основной доклад на Ежегодном семинаре Лаборатории сравнительных исследований ВШЭ, LCSR workshop, 16 ноября, 2023, формат – личное участие. Программа размещена на

Воронина Н.С. Стабильность и изменения межэтнических установок россиян: результаты лонгитюдного исследования 1995−2023 гг., конференция «Социальные изменения и стабильность в предметном поле социологии: от эмпирических исследований к теоретической рефлексии», Москва, ИС ФНИСЦ РАН, 10-11 октября, 2023.

Воронина Н.С. Долгосрочная географическая мобильность разных поколений россиян. 21 ноября 2023 г. ежегодный семинар сектора социальной мобильности Института Социологии ФНИСЦ РАН на тему «ИНСТИТУТЫ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ МОБИЛЬНОСТИ В УСЛОВИЯХ ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИИ»

Воронина Н.С.  Динамика межэтнических установок россиян: результаты исследований 1995—2003 гг. и влияние социально-демографических факторовю. Заседание секции демография в Центральном доме ученых 26.12.2023.

Носкова А.В. Трансформация образа жизни и установок людей в позднем зрелом возрасте: сравнительный анализ поколений на V Российский гендерный форум. Программа

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