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Research grant of RFBR and EISR 2019 N 19-011-31443 «Public expectations regarding fairness and justice in Russian society and the role of government in providing social fairness» (head of the project V.G. Andreenkov)

Research grant of RFBR and EISR 2019 N 19-011-31443 «Public expectations regarding fairness and justice in Russian society and the role of government in providing social fairness» (head of the project V.G. Andreenkov)

Research grant of RFBR and EISR 2019 N 19-011-31443 «Public expectations regarding fairness and justice in Russian society and the role of government in providing social fairness» (head of the project V.G. Andreenkov)

Research grant of RFBR 18-011-00999 2018-2019 "Structure of values, views and norms, lifestyle and behavior of Russians in first twenty years of XXI century – Seventh round of Russian Social Survey (RSS) on the program of European Social Survey (ESS)" (head of the project A.V. Andreenkova)

Research grant of RHSF 2016-2017 № 14-03-18007 «Stability and change in attitudes, values and behavior of Russians during the last decade – Sixth wave of Russian Social Survey based on international comparative program European Social Survey (ESS)» (head of the project A.V. Andreenkova)

Research grant of ERA.Net RUS Plus, 2016-2017 (joint grand of RHSF and scientific funds of EU countries - 7th Framework research programmes between the EU Member States/ Associated Countries and Russia ( «Public Attitudes to welfare, climate change and energy in the EU and Russia - PAWCER» (head of the project from Russian side V.G. Andreenkov, from EU side A. Scheuer GESIS, Germany)

Research grant of RHSF, № 14-03-18007, 2014-2015 «Political culture, social role of government and personal wellbeing: comparison of new and advanced European democracies (Fifth round of European Social Survey in Russia– ESS)» (head of the project A.V. Andreenkova)

Research grant of RHSF, № 12-03-18012/12, 2012-2013 «Democracy – public understanding of the concept and the comparative analysis of components of democracy in different political systems (Fourth Russian survey based on European Social Survey program)», (head of the project A.V. Andreenkova)

Research grant of RHSF, № 10-03-03203e/p, 2010-2011«Political culture of Russia – results of twenty years old reforms: comparative analysis with new and developed democracies in Europe (Third round of survey based on European Social Survey program)», (head of the project A.V. Andreenkova)

Research grant of RHSF, № 08-03-03209 e/p., 2008-2009 «Political culture of Russia: comparative analysis with new and developed democracies in Europe (Second round of survey based on European Social Survey program)», (head of the project A.V. Andreenkova)

Research grant of RNF, 18-18-00341, 2018-2020 «Value transformations and subjective quality of life: regional perspective» (senior researchers E.M. Ponarin, A.M. Almakaeva)

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