Understanding the culture, traditions, interests and needs of people in different parts of the region is crucially important for politicians, government officials, but also for producers entering new market, introducing new products, service or expanding into new customer groups. CESSI specializes on comparative surveys in different countries and regions – surveys based on equivalent methods to provide comparable data, and also on surveys in different countries - international surveys.
CESSI experts have professional knowledge and skills for working with research infrastructure in different countries, understanding peculiarities and specific traits when conducting research in different cultural and political contexts, keep close track on recent developments in international and comparative survey methodology. CESSI is a member of many professional international associations: for more than 30 years we participate in WAPOR/ AAPOR/ ESOMAR, and since more recently in ESRA and CSDI. International experience and high reputation of CESSI in international research circles opens the opportunities to invite leading scholars, get consultations and organize research projects on all continents, in most countries of the world cooperating with partner organizations all over the world.
For recent three decades CESSI conducts comparative surveys and single-country surveys in 15 Post-Soviet counties and also in some countries of Eastern and Central Europe and Mongolia. The surveys are conducted either from regional CESSI offices in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, by local field groups and networks or by partner-companies. For recent years CESSI implemented more than 70 large-scale comparative cross-national research projects and more than 1200 single-county surveys besides Russia for academic institutions, mass media, government institutions, commercial organization, international NGOs and multilateral organizations.
CESSI cooperates with leading scholars on comparative survey research methodology in Russia and other countries in designing and advancing different elements of comparative methodology in particular comparative sample design for cross-national surveys, samples for hard-to-reach population, sampling in political unstable territories, issues of translation and verification in survey instruments, the application of innovative methods of data collection for different socio-cultural and political contexts.
CESSI is a leading research center for the data collection of empirical information in the post-Soviet region. Among CESSI comparative projects are the surveys on key social issues facing this region: civic and political participation, attitudes and values towards social fairness, rule of law, trust to institutions, legitimacy of political system, issues of civic society, health, education, demographic trends, labor relations, wellbeing and many others.
Comparative surveys of values, attitudes and behaviour of people in different countries
Comparative surveys of consumer behavior
Surveys of reputation – countries, regions and cities
Surveys of inter-ethnic conflicts, public perception of international relations, multilateral organizations
Comparative surveys of different markets
CESSI organizes and manages comparative cross-national and cross-cultural surveys, but also participates in other comparative surveys coordinated by other organizations as a partner for Russia.
Since 2006 CESSI conducts Russian Social Survey – a partner project of European social survey (ESS) – leading and most reputable survey of attitudes, opinions and behavior of people indifferent countries of Europe in recent two decades.
Among other important and widely recognized projects:
Data collection for World Value Study (WVS) in Russia round 7 (2017) (senior researcher N. Soboleva, HSE, Russia). http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/wvs.jsp
Data collection for European Value study (EVS) in Russia round 5 (2017) (senior researcher N. Soboleva, HSE, Russia). https://europeanvaluesstudy.eu/
Data collection for “Global survey of religious future” of Pew Research Center 2016-2017 in 7 post-Soviet countries http://www.globalreligiousfutures.org/
Survey “Monitoring global issues, ecological attitudes and social responsibility” in Russia managed by GlobeScan (Canada).
Broad spectrum of research is conducted in these countries using the variety of survey methods – national surveys based on probability random samples at homes, national telephone surveys, targeted online surveys and qualitative methods (focus-groups, IDs, including online interviews).
In this multilingual and multicultural region with uneasy climatic, geographical and political conditions CESSI conducts comparative cross-national and single-country surveys using face-to-face interviews method in respondents’ homes on probability random samples, interviews in malls and intercepts, telephone surveys, qualitative interviews, business-to-business surveys. CESSI has an extensive experience in preparing research materials in many languages of this region, designing samples and data analysis and interpretation.
Information about life of people in Mongolia is still very limited and this country is a relatively new subject of study for survey researchers. Specific social, political and economic characteristics of the country as well as cultural and geographical peculiarities require special research methods, approaches and experience. CESSI conducts surveys in respondents’ homes, mall and intercept surveys, CLT tests, telephone interviews and also B2B studies in Ulaanbaatar and other parts of the country.
For more than 25 years CESSI works on surveys in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia accumulating large databank of survey data, survey questions and survey experience. Despite the geographical closeness each of these three countries is unique linguistically, culturally and demographically. CESSI conducts academic sociological surveys, public opinion research and marketing research in each of these countries and comparative surveys in Transcaucasia region in total in partnership with local research teams.
Based on the experience with more than 50 research projects CESSI knows well about specific research environment and requirements in each of three Baltic countries – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Our projects in this region included studies of consumer behavior, socio-linguistic situation, public opinion polls, election studies, evaluation of effectiveness of social programs and information campaigns. Being diverse in ethnic, linguistic and cultural background, the population of this region is studied with close attention to the migration issues when constructing the sample, respect of privacy and personal information collecting the data, differences in political and economic context interpreting survey results.
CESSI coordinates surveys in countries of Central and Eastern Europe – Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro working with partners’ organizations. Our experts have deep knowledge of each country – cultural and linguistic characteristics, population structure, and statistical sources of information, history, political and economic context. It helps to choose adequate research methods for each country prepare effective sample design and organize data collection in time and resource effective way.
Coordination and management of international project requires special knowledge, skills and experience which is not often found in the professional field. CESSI experts, who work with comparative and international surveys for many years, have high reputation in coordination of cross-national surveys and initiating and managing surveys in different countries and in different socio-cultural environment. We provide services in the coordination of survey research in countries of the former Soviet Union or other regions from designing the project – selecting most appropriate survey method, target population, sample size and sampling approach to data collection and reporting. CESSI has wide network of partner companies and research teams, consultants and survey data specialists across the world – the key advantages to organize the survey and obtain high quality data in a most cost-effective and time-effective way.